Cannon Arts Dancers to Take on Disney!!
Cannon Arts Dancers are busy packing their bags as final preparations are underway for their performance at Disney World this summer, June 17-20. Warren County residents Caroline Scott, Hayden Woods and Caroline Gribble, as well as Cannon County resident Katie Hare, have been diligently practicing Disney parade choreography to Pharrell Williams’ Happy, since last August. In addition to participating in the parade which will originate at Disney World or Epcot center, the girls have been rehearsing their contribution to the Disney stage show. Cannon Arts dancers will be performing in a segment from The Seasons, choreographed by Caroline Scott. Caroline will be performing the piece on pointe accompanied by her student Hayden Woods in the ballet duet. Caroline Gribble and Katie Hare will jazz it up in Rachel Vasser’s choreography to Zero to Hero, and all of the girls will sign off with the poignant Tennessee Waltz.
“Since we are representing the great state of Tennessee, I thought we should close with a definitive Tennessee classic”, stated Lori Christensen, owner of the studio. “In addition to the Tennessee waltz, we will be proudly sporting our Tennessee orange T-shirts throughout the parks when we’re not performing. Disney approved the video we submitted, so we are making our final preparations. I couldn't be prouder of these students, and Rachel Vasser our Cannon Arts teacher. Disney, here we come!”