All dancers are involved in both shows.  Students will only perform one dance per class at Good Ole Days and all numbers in the Summer Reading Program, Superheroes, at Dillion Park.  It is called Summer Reading Program because it is sponsored by the Cannon County Library System.  Our 2014-2015 dance season officially ends at the end of the Superheroes show.  No Classes will be held after that date. 

If you are not going to attend any classes or performances between now and May 28, please contact the studio or your teacher.  Attendance is vital as we come into the home stretch! 

Good Ole Days Performance - Saturday, May 16, 2015

The stage is in front of the courthouse, Woodbury, TN.  The Studio will be open at 10:45 for your connivence.  HOWEVER, all dancers MUST be in costume and meet inside the courthouse at 11:00 am. The performance is from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM.  This is an outdoor event, so check the weather! The event will be held rain or shine.  Bring chairs if you plan to watch from the audience.  Please be prompt, parking is limited so plan ahead.  No tickets required.  Please check with your teacher as to which costume you will be wearing.  Due to time constraints only one performance per class. (Show order: see bottom)

Summer Reading Program - Thursday, May 28, 2015

Superheroes at Dillion Park.  ALL DANCERS be there NO LATER than 4:30 pm.  Recital is from 5 pm - 7pm.  This is an outdoor event as well. Bring your own chairs, water, snacks, etc.  Changing space is limited. Contact the studio if you have a tent or shade awning we can use.  We will NOT be having a dress rehearsal, so come dressed in first costume (show order TBA.)  No tickets required.  

Passport to Adventure - Summer Dance Camp July 6-10, 2015

Sign up May 28, 2015 to receive a 10% discount.  Suitable for ages pre-ballet through teens and adults.  Martha Edmonson will be director of junior camp: ages 3-11.  Our theme is Passport to Adventure and will also include tumbling with James Bessant!  

Rebecca Poole, Elizabeth Ormand, and Amy Huffines will be co-teaching senior camp ages 12 and up, and includes ballet, pointe/pre-pointe, contemporary, and Jazz.  Students will also learn how to develop original choreography. 

Fall Registration 2015-2016 Season: August 12-14, 2015 


Good Ole Days Show Order 2015

  1. Ms. Rebecca's Ballet IIIa "I See Fire"
  2. Ella and Amelia Dance Team "Come on Let's Go"
  3. Ms. Martha's Fri 4-5 Tap "Fire Engine" 
  4. Ms. Rebecca's Ballet I "Go Do"
  5. Adult Tap "Wonder Woman"
  6. Ms. Martha's Fri 5-6 "Moves like Water"
  7. Ms. Rebecca's Ballet II "Heroes of Ballet"
  8. Ms. Elizabeth's Hip Hop "Revolution"
  9. Caroline Scott Solo "Life After Me"
  10. Ms. Elizabeth's Combo III "Inspector Gadget"
  11. Ms. Elizabeth's Combo II "Superheroes"
  12. Ms. Rebecca's Ballet IIIb "Heroes (We Could Be)"
  13. Ms. Elizabeth's Hip Hop/Jazz "Hanging Tree"
  14. Clogging "Ida Red"
  15. Clogging Second Number
  16. Ms. Rachel's Combo IV-V "Spiderman"
  17. Ms. Amy's Contemporary 


Please confirm costuming, hair, tights, etc. with your student's teacher.